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Copying the words of Helen Keller, “The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

As some of us battle courageously on the front-lines against this dreaded virus-caused pandemic, we know that everyone else is also not idle. We worry about how we can get by from day to day for ourselves and for our families, especially when financial matters or concerns join the fray.

Front-liner or not, the management has been keen to identify one of the difficulties that the people face from their daily lives. At which we point out the lack of ATM accessibility, in which many of us need to make withdrawals from their salaries or deposits, to make money transfers, or even just to pay bills. Most places where there are ATMs are either, difficult to access because of travel restrictions or the ATMs themselves are out of order because of the lack of maintenance which may be caused by, again, travel restrictions.

How can one such a salary man withdraw from his ATM Card to buy food? How can a mother withdraw from her ATM Card to buy medicine? How can a student, away from home, withdraw his or her allowance for sustenance? How can a senior withdraw his or her pension?

For the betterment and safety of everyone, the management has resolved itself to bring the solution nearer to the people. And that is by making Point-Of-Sale (POS) Terminals available on all of the TLCS Offices, to lessen the need to travel to where ATMs are functioning.

And when we say all offices, we mean all offices which are at the following:

1) Sagada Main

2) Besao

3) Bontoc

4) Abatan and Mabaay, Bauko

5) Buguias

6) Mankayan

7) La Trinidad

8) Baguio

9) Tabuk

10) 711 Store Dangwa Terminal

These POS Terminals can be used like how we normally use an ATM. We can just insert our cards, provide our pins, choose what transactions we want and the amount we desire. Never fear or worry, feel free to approach any of our personnel for assistance.

We wish and hope for everyone’s happiness and safety!


Glad to be of service.